Monday 26 March 2007


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Saturday 10 March 2007

War of the Postcodes

For many a year Hip-Hop culture has influenced society in a profound and intimidating fashion. From the U.S to the orient Hip-Hop culture has caught a large following. Hip-Hop is a parent culture for the likes of beat-boxing, rap, RnB and many others.

The streets have seen success and hence, star crossed teens and unsigned hopefuls take to the trade. A recent study however has brought a new twist on industrial rivalry to my attention. One that I must say amuses me greatly - Postcode wars.

Now I was never a big fan of beef, petty differences blown out of proportion and exploited for extra cash and apparently "respect" In reality airing beef in records is little more than an excuse for creativity block and budget compilations. Back in the real days all you needed for respect was power and a straight head on your shoulders. Money is a byproduct of power, not a contributor.

Rival groups such as these forementioned may never make it as far as to earn their bread through music, but it sure is funny as hell to think about.

The UK based rivalry between Postcodes is laughable. Opposing areas such as MK41 and MK42 have "groups" in which all members will be residing in that area code. Rivalry underlies the music, and is rarely reflected in tracks.